Categoría: Blog

  • Beetles are Forever: VW’s are in Mexico!

    Beetles are Forever: VW’s are in Mexico!

    Beetles are Forever: VW’s are in Mexico! Well, you were thinking that because of all the smog rules, and the traffic rules and all the other rules (some of which you are not even aware of rules) that the Volkswagen Beetle had about disappeared from the scene. Except, maybe, in some collector’s garage. Think again.…

  • Dateline: Navojoa

    Dateline: Navojoa

    January 4, 2015: dateline: Navojoa Se Vende: what’s to sell? Who’s to buy? The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well here in Mexico. It is pushing carts, it is under thatch and plywood board roofs along every highway, it is on the streets of the towns, in the parking lots of the glossy plazas, of…

  • This is not exactly a travelogue

    This is not exactly a travelogue

    January 2, 2015 Guaymas, Mexico This is not exactly a travelogue A while ago I looked up on one of those interesting internet sites that feature synonyms to discover what other words there are besides journey to describe this precedent setting trip to Ecuador. The first obvious one is ‘hegira’ which is actually rather religious…

  • It’s Always Best to take Good Advice: Making it to Guaymas

    It’s Always Best to take Good Advice: Making it to Guaymas

    December 31, 2014 It’s Always Best to take Good Advice: Making it to Guaymas The route takes me onward: Sonoyta, Santa Ana, Hermosillo and finally today, the last day of 2014, to Guaymas, even further south in Mexico, from the dry desert to the humid air of the Gulf. I pace myself each day because…

  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull

    I had not seen much of Jonathan for quite some time since I left the coastal regions of Washington State about 2001. Raven favors the desert uplands where she scavenges for carrion doing her kind of clean up eating also berries and seeds from the Joshua tree and pinyon pines. Family member, Jay inhabits the…

  • Dateline: Pemex, Mexico #2

    Dateline: Pemex, Mexico #2

    Older ladies, and probably gentlemen as well, are awake in the night. Sometimes I am awake for a couple hours, sometimes meditating, in the old time in the coach, I might be working on the computer or sewing. It is a sweet time, quiet and undisturbed because most of the rest of the world in…

  • Dateline: Pemex, Mexico

    Dateline: Pemex, Mexico

    The gas company in Mexico is called Pemex. Everywhere in Mexico you will find Pemex and gas is the same price wherever you go. I thought that to be a really great idea. As a van-gabond, gas stations can be terrific places to stop to park, use their bathrooms which are usually decently clean, get…

  • An End Run: The Final Days

    The value of friendship cannot be under estimated. Two of the very best showed up on the last Saturday in November to put in a big day loading everything that had been in the coach to stuff the van floor to ceiling and right to the doors. I drove out of the driveway of that…

  • At last making it to Mexico

    At last making it to Mexico

    It is somewhat of a shock to be in Mexico after the United States with its rather orderly streets and buildings, signs and signal lights, its overall standard of living. Mexicali is chaos after all of this. The streets are narrow without lines anywhere. The stop signs are the same shape, red and they say,…

  • Journey of the Lotus: Chapter One

    Journey of the Lotus: Chapter One

    Are you wondering how this all begins? I mean the idea of an exit strategy might not be the first thing on your mind today. What I am discovering is that my own idea of an exit strategy began quite some time ago: the late summer of 2011. At that time I was completing an…

  • Cotesa

    COTESA Ricardo Cartin Presidente – EcoConsultor Consultores Tecnicos Financieros SA Tecnologías Verdes Alternativas 

  • Parsha Bereishis – פָּרָשָׁה בְּרֵאשִׁית בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ In the beginning of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1–6:8 פָּרָשָׁה בְּרֵאשִׁית Rashi comments: בראשית: אמר רבי יצחק לא היה צריך להתחיל [את] התורה אלא (שמות יב ב) מהחודש הזה לכם, שהיא מצוה ראשונה שנצטוו [בה] ישראל, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית, משום (תהלים קיא…

  • Nibiru Artlive Poem

    «Come little children, I`ll take thee away, Into a Land of Enchantment. Come little children, The time`s come to play, Here in my Garden of Shadows. Follow sweet children, I`ll show thee the way, Through all the pain and the sorrows. Weep not poor children, For life is this way, Murdering beauty and passions. Hush…

  • HAARP + EISCAT + SURA (¿armas medioambientales?)

    HAARP + EISCAT + SURA (¿armas medioambientales?)

    HAARP comenzó en épocas de la Guerra Fría, y su propósito inicial no tenía mayor conexión con la ionosfera, sino con las comunicaciones submarinas…   resulta que los submarinos mientras más se sumergen tienen más dificultades para comunicarse, entonces el proyecto surgió para investigar la manera en que las ELF (ondas electromagnéticas extremadamente bajas) podían…

  • Tikun Habris (Pgam Habrit)

    things you can do to recover learn more: Most Keri occurs as a result of impure thoughts that pass through the mind throughout the day. These strengthen the animalistic soul. When a person goes to sleep certain parts of his soul leave him. These parts of the soul are associated with the conscious mind,…

  • ברוך השם ברוך אתה אֲדֹנָי

    מלך המָשִׁיחַ ברוך השם ברוך אתה אֲדֹנָי   שמות       ב״ה please allow me to ask towards our common desire for an immediate manifestation מלך המָשִׁיחַ now how much does the present merit of the Jewish people as a whole may or may not influence מלך המָשִׁיחַ does manifest now and, how might…

  • ‘Ausencia’ – Son Heavy Son

    Son Heavy Son interpreta una versión rockera del clásico bolero ‘Ausencia’, cuyos arreglos originales son del Maestro Willie Colón y la inolvidable, poderosa y majestuosa voz del admirado Héctor Lavoe, el Cantante de los cantantes. 2015, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá. Son Heavy Son se reúne en Costa Rica para interpretar una neuva verisón del clásico…

  • Adam & Eve, a new twist to an old story…

    B»H Here is a proposal for a partial transcription of a very interesting audio conference by Rabbi Manis Friedman, entitled: A New Twist To An Old Story Please listen to the audio in the original Chabad page: Transcription begins at minute 15:49: So here is how Chassidus completes the picture and gives us the…


    COSTA RICAN GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS: Costa Rican Government, Gobierno Fácil (where you will find the links to all Costa Rican Public Entities) Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica Costa Rican Judicial Power Costa Rican Electoral Tribunal Office of the President Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice and Peace Public Registry Ministry of Public Security Ministry of…


    Ministry of Foreign Trade Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Commerce ; Ministry of Finance Ministry of Agriculture Central Bank Financial System Regulator (SUGEF) Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET)  Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy Ministry of Science and Technology General Direction of Immigration Costa Rican Statistics and Census Bureau National Registry    

  • What is  לשון הרע Lashon Hara?

    What is לשון הרע Lashon Hara?

    Lashon hara literally means “bad talk.” This means that it is forbidden to speak negatively about someone else, even if it is true.   It is also forbidden to repeat anything about another, even if it is not a negative thing. This is called rechilut.   It is also forbidden to listen to lashon hara.…

  • Why is a Raven like a writing desk?

    I have always believed that Lewis Carroll was on to something! My heartfelt greetings to you; thank you so very much for hanging out with me over all this considerable time. There have been, for each of us; surely all of us, a lot of changes since sometime in 2014 when RavensMedicine first appeared. As…

  • Ese Hastío (Piensa en mí)

    Cuando tengas una pena muy profunda se sincera, piensa en mí, y verás que hasta las cosas más absurdas no son nada para ti… Cuando tengas en la mente un sueño bello se sincera, piensa en mí, y verás que entre los dos resulta fácil convertirlo en realidad… Y si acaso para ti ya soy…

  • The issue is invective, vitriol and other kinds of bad attitude.

    The issue is invective, vitriol and other kinds of bad attitude.

    The stuff is everywhere in our world and so are the people who perpetrate it. It is not difficult to call forth from any stranger on the streets some kind of anger,  road rage, or a torrent of shouted words laden with the verbal filth of our times. Since it seems to be so prevalent,…

  • so why did G-d create evil?

    Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Rabbi Mendel Kaplan is the founder and spiritual leader of Chabad Flamingo in Thornhill, Ontario, he also serves as a Chaplain of the York Regional Police Service

  • Teaching Ravens To Fly Underwater

    Teaching Ravens To Fly Underwater

    She can break a swan’s wing with a blow of her nose…

  • yesod rectificación fundamento
  • Siete Leyes Universales

    Siete Leyes Universales

    no es defensa válida la ignorancia de la ley… uno no puede afirmar, por ejemplo, que no sabía que la idolatría estaba prohibida por una de las siete leyes… ni puede tampoco afirmar que no sabía que inclinarse ante un ídolo constituía idolatría… leer más: 1. Saber que existe un solo D-os, Infinito y…

  • Cuatro Leyes para Pensar

    Cuatro Leyes para Pensar

    según los sabios consejos del Maestro Alejandro Jodorowsky Prullansky, al momento de manifestar nuestro punto de vista, podemos tomar en cuenta que nuestro pensamiento se expresa según las siguientes consideraciones: Según lo que yo sé… Hasta cierto punto… A riesgo de equivocarme… Si se quiere bien…            

  • Drack Physiology

    Drack Physiology

    Classic Dragons are homeothermic reptiles. Homeothermy is a thermoregulation process which maintains a stable internal body temperature regardless of external influence. A warm-blooded creature, the Dragon’s body temperature is controlled internally. This characteristic enables Dracks to adapt to so many diverse climates upon a largely extensive habitat. Dragon maintains activities both day and night throughout the year, not being dependent on…

  • starting project NI.BI.RU.

    my friend said: bringing all 780,000 entities back, ripping them off from ten different people, and yes, I feel them all reentering my physical body. I feel like a vibration toy. then, some obnoxious entities said through him: we must win the war and with the power from the twelfth planet, now we have our vessel again…

  • The account of the son of Joseph Pandera and how he abused the Beit Hamikdash to become a ‘powerful’ magician

    The account of the son of Joseph Pandera and how he abused the Beit Hamikdash to become a ‘powerful’ magician

    ספר תולדות ישו Sefer Toledot Yeshu In the year 3671 in the days of King Jannaeus, a great misfortune befell Israel, when there arose a certain disreputable man of the tribe of Judah, whose name was Joseph Pandera. He lived at Bethlehem, in Judah. Near his house dwelt a widow and her lovely and chaste…

  • Maldek Art Remembrance
  • Converge or Convert?

    Converge or Convert?

    pursuing the vision of an «objective morality», this fine gentleman seems to react to what might be a present-day prevalence of an absurd and hazardous dogma sustaining fundamentalist religious beliefs present in the society in which he lives…   although his purpose is honest and sincere, the concept of a «universal morality» based on something…

  • Sellos de Costa Rica

    Sellos de Costa Rica

    La filatelia es la afición por coleccionar y clasificar sellos, sobres y otros documentos postales, así como estudiar la historia postal. En los sellos queda representada parte de la historia nacional o regional de los países mediante figuras de personajes ilustres, monumentos, pinturas, flora, fauna, historia postal, etc., asuntos de interés para los coleccionistas (filatelistas)…

  • La Cultura del Pobrecitico – El Pobrecito Salado

    La Cultura del Pobrecitico – El Pobrecito Salado

    Autor: Pierre Thomas Claudet Como primer punto argumental en abono a la tesis de un subdesarrollo psicológico antes que económico, creo necesario hacer referencia al hecho de que, en la generalidad de las interacciones que se llevan a cabo entre nuestros coterráneos, sea en el seno del hogar, del trabajo o de los intercambios y…

  • El lobo de Asís

    El Lobo de Asís Autor: Cipriano Solís Argüello Ser pensante, a la persona de la calle no le digas indigente, porque al decirle así le dices que no es gente. Y él, al igual que tú, o que aquel, lo mismo siente. No le trates mal, no te burles de él. No le pegues. Dale…

  • Clonación


    Clonación Autor: Cipriano Solís Argüello Dios vive en el mundo y el templo del Espíritu Santo de Dios es el cuerpo del hombre, y habita aquí, en el corazón de todos nosotros, seamos buenos o seamos malos. Pero por lo malo que hacemos no le permitimos a Él que haga su función, que es llevar la…

  • El Saludo Vulcano y la Bendición Sacerdotal

    En esta imagen, cualquier fanático de Star Trek puede fácilmente reconocer al Sr. Spock haciendo el famoso «saludo vulcano«… Pero, ¿por qué motivo lo hace en una sinagoga? ¿Existe alguna relación? El actor que dio vida al Sr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy  ha explicado cómo él inventó el «saludo vulcano» basándose en sus recuerdos de cuando era niño…

  • En memoria de Eduardo Reuven Birmajer

    El día 23 de diciembre de 2015 murió el rabino argentino Eduardo Reuven Birmajer, asesinado a puñaladas por atacantes palestinos frente a una de las puertas de la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén. Birmajer era profesor en la influyente yeshivá ( ישיבה) Aish HaTorah, ubicada frente al Muro de los Lamentos en la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén, y había…

  • 20 Consejos sobre el dinero y la subsistencia   1) Las palabras vanas y la calumnia llevan a la pobreza. El orgullo también causa pobreza. La solución es dar caridad, que trae bendiciones y prosperidad (Likutey Moharán I, 4:8). 2) La inmoralidad lleva a la falta de sustento (parnasá) (Ibid. 7:5). 3) Mediante la plegaria intensa uno se vuelve merecedor del sustento…

  • En Memoria de la Invasión de Panamá (1989)

    En Memoria de la Invasión de Panamá (1989)

    Manifiesto a la Nación Panameña en Memoria del 20 de diciembre de 1989 Exhortamos a la ciudadanía a conmemorar el 25º aniversario de la invasión del 20 de diciembre de 1989 con madurez, honestidad, autocrítica y tolerancia que nos permitan comprender mejor tan dramática fecha, para enfrentarla con valentía y ánimo de cicatrizar heridas que…

  • La Globalización

    La Globalización Dr. Nathu Ram Verma La Globalización es un ciclo de creación y destrucción de valores. Cuando surgen épocas de crisis financiera, de severos golpes a la economía y circunstancias conducentes a un desastre económico, se rompen entonces los ciclos de la Globalización. Luego, el proceso vuelve a comenzar de nuevo. Las crisis financieras…