Autor: webmaster

  • Thy Pythonic Tale of Python

    History of Python Late 1980s: Guido van Rossum, working at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands (CWI), starts designing Python as a hobby project. He’s aiming to address shortcomings he sees in ABC, another language he had helped create. December 1989: Van Rossum begins the actual implementation. He takes…

  • The Golem of Prague

    Golem of Prague In the silence of the night, I stand alone, A fortress of clay, without flesh or bone. My maker’s touch has left an eternal mark, A memory of life in the cold, dark.

  • Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg

    In the first few years of his life, Nicholas de Vere was raised in the Hertfordshire countryside. At the age of seven, Nicholas’ family moved to the remote outskirts of the Kentish village of Kemsing, and then later to isolated rural settings in Devon and Sussex. Nicholas’ father and mother sought to protect Nicholas from the usual…

  • TiCoin is Costa Rica Collectible Digital Token

    B»H Start Project To develop a new blockchain cryptocurrency named TiCoin To Analize best technical options Commercially, it is non-commercial, as TiCoin exclusively lists as a Costa Rica parafernalia collectible digital token, as a play coin not intended as a real coin… yet, as it often happens with Numismatics, non-commercial collectible items of all sort…

  • Siete Leyes Universales

    Siete Leyes Universales

    no es defensa válida la ignorancia de la ley… uno no puede afirmar, por ejemplo, que no sabía que la idolatría estaba prohibida por una de las siete leyes… ni puede tampoco afirmar que no sabía que inclinarse ante un ídolo constituía idolatría… leer más: 1. Saber que existe un solo D-os, Infinito y…