starting project NI.BI.RU.

my friend said:

bringing all 780,000 entities back, ripping them off from ten different people, and yes, I feel them all reentering my physical body. I feel like a vibration toy.

then, some obnoxious entities said through him:

we must win the war and with the power from the twelfth planet, now we have our vessel again and soon we will beat them with our secrets.

which lead us to start revealing some secrets today:

it is lovely that our project has officially started, my dear friend…

nevertheless, they may be up for a surprise…
what if, instead of «winning the war» we all find a creative path towards a win-win situation?
whatever quarrel there may still remain amongst star brothers, we must be clear that this is not our business any longer…

we now dare our friends & En.lil to fight to death AMONGST THEMSELVES ONLY, if they so desire… although, in truth we invite them to reconsider, grow up and learn to appreciate each other and make peace…

in any case, we humans are completely fed up with the story and shall have no part in stupid wars…

this time, operation NI.BI.RU shall have an outcome that no one can predict, thus so-called «gods» may be granted an invaluable opportunity to prove themselves, see if they have learned anything at all during these few thousands of years…

anyway, it has been sentenced that any further abuse against humans will backlash in ways they can’t even imagine… but anyway, once again, it is PEACE that we most honestly and truly desire, Peace for ourselves, Peace for yourselves, and Peace in the whole Universe…

Celtic Knot

then, obnoxious entities said again:

His only protection left him and now we have been released. Now all hell shall break lose!!! :-} he be ours! come fight us we are ready!


this is a very sad and old story…

no fight this time…
you guys need to grow up and acknowledge the great opportunity of this situation… as you have all been properly attached (who would have imagined that one single vessel could handle so many?), instead of wrecking the ship (simple stupid reaction that rapidly ends the fun), let us realize that if our human vessel is given time, space, freedom and respect, this process of Ascension may also lead all of us in a wonderful journey that is most enjoyable…